Friday 7 March 2014

Day 5: How do these Characteristics affect FullEmploy?

Today's characteristics are Delegation and Drive.


FullEmploy adopts the reversible Top-Down approach i.e. the Vision, Aims & Objectives will be delegated down the hierarchy from top to bottom. Results will be communicated up the hierarchy after aggregation. Intermediate results can also be delivered to partner organisations such as Local Authorities, Councillors, and MPs.

A certain amount of responsibility will be delegated and office managers will be required to hold Board Meetings with lower level office managers to discuss the intermediate results and the way forward. There will be 2 such meetings per month: the down meeting and the up meeting. The up meeting is to discuss the aggregation of data; and the down meeting is to discuss the results as they come back from higher levels i.e. they would contain results from other offices. This will aid the sharing of best practice and would give a clearer picture.

Most of the work will be done by the Client Managers as they collect the raw data and the office managers will aggregate it at Ward, Area, County, Region, and the UK as a whole. Even though responsibility is delegated to ALL levels, work will still be carried out to achieve the Vision, Aims & Objectives of FullEmploy.


My definition of drive in this context is the energy you have, to help you carry out tasks and engender this energy in others to do the same. To enable this, FullEmploy created its structure in such a way that the manager of one office and the managers of the lower levels form a Board of Directors who have complete responsibility for that unit but still have to operate in such a way as to achieve FullEmploy's Aims & Objectives.

Guidance on what the strategic direction and Aims & Objectives of FullEmploy, are fed down the hierarchy from CEO to Client Managers and everyone in between. The effectiveness of this guidance and new experiences are fed back up the hierarchy to the CEO who changes policy as necessary.

It is said that no one can be all things to all people. So local managers are enabled to shape local policy to fit local conditions within FullEmploy's Aims & Objectives. This should energise the local teams into being more productive which would enable them to achieve their goals.

Because all staff record their experiences on a central database, everyone else can share these experiences and learn from them. These experience are written according to the following guidelines: What was planned to happen? How was it planned to happen? What actually happened? Then a conclusion is written to tie them all together.

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